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Julian Andres Klode 🏳️‍🌈

@BritishTechGuru @dark_stang @frankrausch It becomes harder/impossible to enforce without an office but technically no, even if you are fully US company and you sell to Europe you are bound to GDPR.

What we gonna do - throw executives on EU trips into jail until GDPR compliant?


@juliank @BritishTechGuru @dark_stang @frankrausch Why not? It's not that the US wouldn't do it (ask Swiss bankers)

Andreas K

@goedelchen @juliank @BritishTechGuru @dark_stang @frankrausch

Actually, not really a risk. GDPR is generally administrative law, so jailing people is atypical. And in most European countries, judges don't jail people just because they irritated them.

So I don't think there is much of a risk of arrest. OTOH, the fines are painful, somehow generally the EU/MS get their money.


@juliank @BritishTechGuru @dark_stang @frankrausch As for enforcement, ask TikTok. The Italian regulator banned TikTok from processing data for children accessing dangerous content, resulting in a death, and TikTok scrambled to fix its age verification measures and re-verify all users in Italy.

Julian Andres Klode 🏳️‍🌈

@Nickiquote @BritishTechGuru @dark_stang @frankrausch It depends on the country and whether they'd go order the ISPs to ban the services at the DNS level, ultimately that's not universal across them, but that's a pressure point.

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