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Dr. Quadragon ❌

We need a tiny, preferably open-source graphics hardware solution.

Nothing fancy, just show a framebuffer.


Because I don't want to buy a full-blown graphics card just so I can have a video out for my server to plug a KVM into.


@drq с софтом у них правда дерьмо полное

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@uu Оно стартует до системы? Если нет, то бесполезно.


@drq оно и после системы не всегда стартует)

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@uu Алсо, как я понимаю, ему все равно нужна видеокарта. так что мимо.


@drq самое дешевое и простое, что смог найти - geForce gt 210. Вообще забавно, что нет ничего ЕЩЕ проще. Казалось бы.
С другой стороны они и не особо востребованы видимо.

:umu: :umu:
@drq not open source, but I know Silicon Motion have chips for server graphics.

@drq I've been checking into the external USB solutions but unfortunately they all seem to require already existing hardware to function.

It seems like the simple option these days is to get an APU with everything integrated which sucks. I use an ancient GeForce 2 that I ram into the systems when I desperately need to see what's going on.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@espen ramming a card into a system when something happens kinda defeats the purpose of having a KVM in the first place.


@drq You are right of course. I still wish I could ram an USB in though, let me know if you find a solution like that. I need a cheap, external and portable graphics card damnit! 😀

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