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I can't move to the Fediverse properly until I reproduce my famous pinned post from the birdsite, so here it is:

P.S.A. To all vintage computer and video game collectors:

Go through your collections and GET THE DAMN BATTERIES OUT!

Now! Don't wait! Seriously, put down the phone, go to your collection and take out all the batteries. Right now! Even if they look "okay" they are NOT SAFE after this much time.

Justin Skists

@MightyOneSam @48kRAM I once saw a few packs of new Varta batteries in a supermarket. I ran out of the shop, screaming....


@48kRAM The *real* horror is a system board with a battery-backed NVRAM loaded with irreplaceable firmware or factory calibration data. If you don't know how to extract it from software, accepting the time bomb is the only "safe" option... :oh_no:

Ian Molton
@niconiconi @48kRAM

Carefully grind the package off these. You can then solder a new battery on to it on flying leads.
@niconiconi @48kRAM In those situations, it might work to add a second fresh remote battery in parallel, and then clip the first battery out.
Longplay Games 🎮

@48kRAM That reminds me, I think I do have a GBC cart or two with batteries in them that I need to replace.


@48kRAM I just did this with my Amiga, last year.

Byte [Moved]

@48kRAM is this something to worry about for a PCjr? I haven’t had the time or space to open that one up to take a look inside, but it’s been in office use mostly so it’s probably in decent condition internally


@48kRAM VARTA, the nemesis of retro computing...

Chris Allen

@48kRAM after reading this I’m glad I don’t have any hardware like this at the back of my loft 😝


@48kRAM This reminded me of the time I found a "AA" battery soldered in place in an arcade cabinet


@woshua Yikes!

But, then, I've found some terrible stuff in arcade cabinets:

* isolation transformers connected with alligator jumpers
* replacement marquee lights with ground strap wired to neutral
* A GUN!
* tokens shorting every possible thing on the PCB

Never trust an arcade cabinet


@48kRAM what about 10 year old phone from lg? still using...


@hacknorris Lithium ion batteries can and do leak and swell. I separate all my LiIon batteries from devices I have packed away

Drífa Jónsdóttir :kitty_trans:

@48kRAM I have an SE/30. It does *not* have a battery in it anymore.

Why they moved it from the back case (where damage would be noticed and contained) to the mainboard (which can only be reached with specialist tools) is beyond me.


@48kRAM I was given a Mac LC that unfortunately sat in a garage with a leaky battery eating the motherboard. Burned a large hole through it and chewed up a bunch of shielding.

Topaz, fluffy yip「黄玉」

@48kRAM We've been wanting old stuff like that, but don't have anything yet...

bet the Wii's new enough to be safe. I think the only battery it has is a CMOS battery in a little compartment.

What's dangerous about old tech's batteries? Something about the batteries themselves, or?


@topaz It's just the nature of batteries, sadly. They're made of angry chemicals and eventually the anger explodes all over the place.

Сталкер Commander1024

@48kRAM also applies to some types of capacitors. They can be also very harmful when they start to leak.

hazelnot :yell:

@48kRAM How vintage are we talking here? The oldest computer I have is a Dreamcast, I think


@hazelnot Dreamcast has a rechargeable coin cell battery that you're going to want to replace sooner or later. It's in a location that's not likely to damage the main PCB, but could damage the controller ports. It's actually safe to run the DC without this battery at all -- I've removed it from my console and I just set the time on the occasions that I drag it out to play.

Animatronic Pumpkin

@48kRAM Done! 23-year-old batter is disconnected.


I'm not sure what I have in closets. I think it's only my Atari 800 and Intellivision. Do those have batteries in them?


@Photorat The Atari does not. I don't think the Intellivision does either, but I'm not sure about consoles.

:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷 just removed the batteries from my old gameboy color i had as a kid.

uuuuh the battery springs connectors fell out and were all rusty


@Alexis_Krier @48kRAM yes.
Either indirectly by removing the coating and letting it rust, or directly.


Ok also the coating, indeed really bad
Is there such a thing in an Amstrad CPC 6128?


@Alexis_Krier @mmu_man I don't think the 6128 has a battery but I only have a 464


@48kRAM sometimes it’s good for me if stuff is broken. Makes it much easier to get rid of it.


@48kRAM that's exactly what I did when I first read about it. Opened my A1200 and cut out the battery off the Blizzard 1230.


@48kRAM Sadly, this is a PDA issue as well. I’ve lost all my old Palm Pilots and Newtons to this.


@selgart I've got an eMate that needs battery damage repaired

Nerdgelaber Podcast

@48kRAM das gilt übrigens auch für „modernere“ Geräte. Telefone, Radios, Spielzeug. Mittlerweile sind dampft LiIo oder LiPo Akkus drin. Die zerstören nicht nur das Gerät, sondern Fackeln im Zweifel auch die Bude ab!

Do the same also with batteries in your old radios, (wireless) phones, toys. There are often Lithium batteries inside, who Not only destroy your device, they can probably burn down your house!


@48kRAM I just got my hands on a 386 in near perfect condition, with a Ni-Cd in what looks like equally near perfect condition. I made a deal with myself that I have to leave the case open and look at it every day until I get that thing out!


@48kRAM I need to take some batteries out of one of my nerf guns too haha


@48kRAM I've got a case where I have replaced the related boards that had damage, but there's also related wiring and physical connectors that took damage. Replacing the connectors is non trivial. Any suggestions for repairing/de-crudding the metal bits on the connectors? 1980 Black Hole pinball (possibly my Waterloo)


@48kRAM thanks! excellent advice!!😃👍


@48kRAM I've known this for a long time (I amassed most of my collection between 2004-2006) and YET, I still had a battery explode in my much less used LCIII that I forgot about.


@1Bit The struggle is real (says the guy who left AA batteries in his M100 after replacing the memory NiCd)


@48kRAM @1Bit happens to many of us. I've started using small post-it notes on systems to remind me when I have/leave batteries installed.


@aradiogurl @1Bit Good move! I've labeled my Tandy slabs for the battery replacement date but I still sometimes forget which ones I'm actively using with batteries. Especially after a computer show

Ariel Kroon

@48kRAM My partner protests that if he takes the batteries out of his old SNES cartridges, they won't save anymore :ablobcatcry:


@arielkroon LOL. Well, usually people replace those with new ones.

Sam Easterby-Smith

@48kRAM @kianryan thoroughly done during lockdown. Same for the synths. 👍🌋

Michael Meese 🇪🇺

@48kRAM Hum… Thank you for the reminder. I was aware of that but preferred to ignore that.

Michael Meese 🇪🇺

@48kRAM I just remembered the old ST I had saved some years ago from the sidewalk. Back then it was still working fine. I never thought about if it has some battery. But… Any advice? It is probably there for a reason to work as a buffer battery… Replace it or really just remove it?


@mmeese None of the STs that I've been inside had batteries, but if yours does, it would just be for a real-time clock and the Atari can probably run just fine without it.

Michael Meese 🇪🇺

@48kRAM Probably ;-) Anyway, good reason to clear out the cellar and find it.

J. Steven York

@48kRAM I've got a TRS-80 model 100 in storage that USED to work great. Sadly, I'm sure the internal battery has leaked and probably ruined the motherboard. I haven't had the courage to open it up and find out. Sigh.


@jstevenyork It might not be too bad. And there are folks (including myself) who are pretty good at saving them, so open it up and feel free to reach out. It needs a full recap as soon as possible.

J. Steven York

@48kRAM Thanks for the advice! I'll add it to my to-do list (though that list is very long at the moment). Now to remember where I put it...

J. Steven York

@48kRAM Just curious. Were the backup batteries in these nicads? How corrosive is the leakage on these things?


@jstevenyork one of the shots on my pinned post is from an m100 - the one with the blue crystals that got under the solder mask. They are pretty bad. And, yes, they are NiCd


The same for synth collectors. Still have to find a (e.g) TR-606 that has no leaks all over the board due to forgotten batteries!

And welcome!

Christine Munro 🧀

@48kRAM It strikes me I should probably investigate the garage today. There's a couple of PCs I'm not too bothered about (though I perhaps shouldn't be quite so blasé as one is a means of connecting to 8-bit SCSI) plus some ageing cameras and PDAs, including a rather lovely Psion 7.

Mostly I'm worried about my Vax workstations though. The 3176 is already poorly but I'll be distraught if the 4060 gets it… I'm guessing the mainboards are multi-layer and not amenable to repair.

Christine Munro 🧀

@48kRAM ...oh, and that VT320, I'd assumed it wouldn't have one but all those millions of "just how complicated can RS232 be?" settings need to be remembered somehow.

And the Acorn Archimedes-of-some-description. And possibly the BBC Micros, but hopefully not the Dragon nor the Electron.


@vometia Only the BBC Master had a battery I think. Other models didn't

Craig Chamberlain

@48kRAM Good advice - here is an Apple Macintosh SE/30 after its battery exploded all over the PCB.

I ended up restoring it onto a new PCB by removing all the custom ICs from the damaged board and replacing the others with new parts. Quite a lot of work involved but got it working in the end!

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