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Paranoid Factoid

Photojournalist Pete Souza was suspended from X (#Twitter) today for posting a photograph of former President Trump that was published by the Associated Press. The photograph showed Trump's seemingly undamaged ear.

This man has twice worked in the White House as the official photographers of both Ronald Reagan and Barrack Obama. He is a respected professional photojournalist.

Edit: minor fixes

#politics #uspol #journalism #Press #photojournalism #Trump #elonmusk

Paranoid Factoid

@burnoutqueen I honestly don't know what hit Trump. But I do know Elon's Twitter is censoring one of the top photojournalists in the industry.

George Borewell

Like the saints of old! A miracle, the uncorrupted ear of #Trump

Steven van der Vlist 🍋

@ParanoidFactoid That's some absolute freedom of speech Space Karen is providing there...

Rob van Kan

@ParanoidFactoid Mediaite has it that he took it down himself, and that his was a "conspiracy theory". No explanation for the remarkably pristine ear.

Paranoid Factoid

@edgeofeurope Where in the Mediaite report does it say Souza took the photograph down himself? I don't see that.

I saw his account get nuked real time.

Rob van Kan

@ParanoidFactoid "Pete Souza, ... , seemingly deleted his X (formerly Twitter) account" right atr the beginning

Paranoid Factoid

@edgeofeurope "Seemingly"

Or X deleted the account, which seems far more likely to me.

EDIT: Screenshot of article added.


@ParanoidFactoid That's T's left ear. The photo is flopped horizontally. Unflopped it looks like:

Kierkegaanks regretfully

@ParanoidFactoid If it turns out they actually did set up the kid to get shot by secret service snipers, do you think anyone will answer for the murder?

Strange Culprits

@ParanoidFactoid @KydiaMusic
Yo Elon, shadowbanning the truth from your turd of a platform won't save your sinking ass. Behold! That great sucking sound is all the money you're wasting propping up old stanky short eyes, a.k.a. #JohnDoe174

Phoenix Gee

@ParanoidFactoid At this point the phrase "suspended from X" begins to have the same ring to it than saying "suspended from 4chan". Which usually results in 2 questions:

- Why was he (still) using that site?
- What did he expect?


@ParanoidFactoid Something something leopards eating faces something

Hot Dog Water


Trump wasn't shot.
He'd be selling 1000 bullet-laden trinkets and Nazi baubles of it if he did.

Trumpverse knows if they push too hard to fight to support that he was shot, they'll get exposed and he'll become an instant baby-wuss to his ridiculous cult.

THIS will be the one lie that could break him. And media is cool backing him.

No merch, no bullet. Simple math.

Adam Shostack :donor: :rebelverified:

@ParanoidFactoid When I went to AP to fact check it, I found

I think that's not the photo Souza posted, but I'm unable to find the one in your screenshot on

Cindy Weinstein

@ParanoidFactoid. Musk read Orwell and thought what a great idea. He gets an F.

Peggy Heinkel-Wolfe

@ParanoidFactoid Pete Souza has my undying loyalty for his unflinching photographs of former White House physician Ronny Jackson, aka Candyman. It didn’t stop Jackson from being hoisted on us as a Congressman, but at least we know

Liz Dylan


Elon Musk the Anti Censorship Savior censored a respected photojournalist.

Hypocrisy at its best.


@ParanoidFactoid everyone knows that Lizard People regrow their appendages rapidly. Didn't you ever watch infowars?😂

John Mastodone indeed!

@ParanoidFactoid Go ahead, believe the compulsive liar and his excellent tissue-scaring skills

Paranoid Factoid

@JSharp1436 That may be correct. We've seen Twitter rescind these sorts of permabans when the company realizes the kind of bad PR a move like this fosters. I think it's possible he'll be reinstated. But I also think this is one if many mask off moments for the site, showing overt bias for a candidate and the owner's political cause.


@ParanoidFactoid I wanted to search for "X" on this Wikipedia page and realized once more what a stupid idea it was to rename a brand to a single letter...

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