149/1322€ ✨
174/1322€, thank you so much for your help! Maybe we'll reach 200€ raised tonight, who knows? 🤞🏻 Phones and internet bills are due this week, we're in the rush with EMDR, meds, power: basically everything, and it's the 23rd already.... Any help is still greatly appreciated, a boost, images on Bronsen's post (he sends me 1€ for each one), a donation,. Anything, really. We're forever grateful. Hey friends, We still need emergency funds, could someone help by any chance please? Unfortunately, we'd need more than half of the total amount by now to survive, bills have the priority but we have to chose it over food. We also have purchases to do ASAP to help the pets grieve better. Please boost our crowdfunding once more if it's okay, I'm sorry this thread is so unorganized. GoFundMe is pinned and PayPal is available too. Thanks for any help, we're truly grateful 846/1322€ raised, thank you so much! I'll update this post instead of making a new one after each donation, in order not to spam too much. I'm so sorry for my feed at the moment @Testoceratops Ain't gotta apologize for trying to survive under capitalism, comrade. Wish I had anything to spare in the budget. 💙 @LexYeen Your support and reassurance help a lot already, I'm so thankful. 💙 Hey everyone, Still in emergency but less thanks to you. We're at peace for the weekend, since we've been able to pay most of our bills, and get stuff for the pets. If we pay more, we won't be able to eat, though. Still a few hundreds to raise: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/VirgileMougin Any help is still deeply appreciated, as always. Thanks, friends ♥️ :boost_ok: Illustration by @MxVerda, thank you! |