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Heidi Li Feldman

Because funds raised via go through our page and then directly to Harris for President, Harris’ finance team sees precisely how we are doing. And because we have been raising money from lots of people, with numerous recurring donations, at a good clip, I’m confident #MastodonForHarris is getting noticed. 3/3


You should be proud of what you've catalyzed here.

Larry Smith

We appreciate you taking the lead on this project. Your actions are making a difference in this election, not just financially for the Harris campaign, but in giving we Mastodonians a way to feel a bigger part of the process.

Bruce Heerssen

@stargazersmith @heidilifeldman
The fact that we can do more than a quarter million in two days with absolutely no top-down organization at all is big news, and it deserves wider attention.

David Gerhart


“I’m confident #MastodonForHarris is getting noticed."

News coverage next!

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