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Sindre Sorhus

Is there any AI service where I can feed it all my open source projects and then ask questions about them?


@sindresorhus This.

What would be actually useful are “personal AI’s”, not the general-purpose monstrosities currently available.


@sindresorhus I use this all the time to bundle up repositories and shove them into 4o or sonnet. @simon has several utilities that are great for this. ttok and strip-tags too.

Otherwise I use and the (VERY) basic RAG to give me some control over what is pulled into chat.

Uhl Albert

@sindresorhus Greptile AI does that:

As a new developer, I used it to understand a large open-source codebase that was too big for other AI chats. Greptile answered my basic questions which led to a successful PR for a bug fix.

But for my personal (small) SwiftUI projects, I prefer ChatGPT and Claude AI. It's easier to just drag and drop my latest files from Xcode's Project navigator to keep those chats updated. Greptile seems to be most useful with large projects.

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