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@megalodon The Mastodon team building this software is immensely underfunded. What is wrong in them asking for donations? 🥲

Harsh Shandilya

@nileane @megalodon the point of contention isn't asking for donations, but rather building such features only for These could instead have been more generic additions to their API that could allow other servers to be able to offer similar options within the Mastodon app.


@msfjarvis @megalodon I get it, but as far as I can tell, they’re just trying to get more donations to fund the software we’re all using so it can improve and gain more features, including via items on their long feature request list, like a donation API.

Harsh Shandilya

@nileane @megalodon I'm not against them seeking more donations, but I feel if they can add something for their own server then they can take the time to also make it available to the broader ecosystem. This shouldn't be the app for Mastodon GmbH the company, but for Mastodon the ecosystem.


@msfjarvis @nileane @megalodon

"These could instead have been more generic additions to their API..."

Sure. But that would have been *significantly* more work. So if you think they should be more capable to implement features like that, donating to the dev work would be a good idea, which this feature does.
Complaining that they should do this or that, while also rejecting avenues for the dev team to get more funding just feels a little disingenuous to me.

Harsh Shandilya

@frog_reborn @nileane @megalodon I'm not against them seeking funding, they deserve to be paid and I donate to them myself.

The problem is quite simply of optics, where the team repeatedly makes changes to the apps to promote their flagship instance which for a lot of people defeats the point of the ecosystem being decentralised and federated.


@msfjarvis @nileane @megalodon

"where the team repeatedly makes changes to the apps to promote their flagship instance"

But it's not doing that here. How is having a donation option that only appears when you're already using promoting

Harsh Shandilya

@frog_reborn @nileane @megalodon A lot of people end up on only because the app guides them to it



Sure, but that's a criticism of its onboarding flow, not of this feature.

Harsh Shandilya

@frog_reborn if you don't see how navigating people to a specific instance and then later presenting donation options only on that instance are connected then we're not on the same page about this.



This isn't moving the discussion any further. We obviously aren't on the same page, otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion. Just stating that helps nobody better understand the argument of the other.

Harsh Shandilya

@frog_reborn I've laid out as much of my position as I can, and don't really need everyone else to agree with me. It's been a pleasure talking, have a great rest of your day 🫰

fr0g replied to Harsh
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