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yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

but there's the issue of email. everybody will tell you about email.

in the end, it's about scalability of your own living. do you really want to be working every waking hour?

that's why i paid proton; because i like to sleep. but now i know i paid for a bait & switch.

if anything, your comment highlights something more profound:


that may mean, cooperatives.

Proton switched to a non-profit model but it's still top-down.


Veronica Explains

@blogdiva I want a cooperative-owned email model soooo badly.

yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

@vkc seriously, give me a cooperative tech company that runs my blogs, mastodon, email, chat.

let me pay a membership AND sit on the people's board and have a vote as co-owning member of the service.

but giving money to a top-down corporatist organization? i don't give a shit if they are a non-profit.

look at what proton did: they turned themselves into a non-profit and now they're pushing AI and crypto.

like... WTAF?!?! who made these decisions? i don't have a say? fuck this.

@blogdiva @vkc I've grown weary of people who can't just say, "it's too hard for me, so I don't recommend it for you" and instead say, "nobody should EVER self host email!" (which is very common on certain *ahem* other platforms).

To that end, I've set up a portable email server that I can take with me wherever I go. So far, so good! I have a little more work do to on it before it's finished.

In the next few weeks I'll start sharing my how-tos about how anyone can run their own email server, and how to overcome the issues that people swear make self-hosting email next to impossible.

I'm happy to share, if you're interested :)
@blogdiva @vkc I've grown weary of people who can't just say, "it's too hard for me, so I don't recommend it for you" and instead say, "nobody should EVER self host email!" (which is very common on certain *ahem* other platforms).

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