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Chris Coyier

Practical SVG is Now Free to Read Online

Back in 2016 I wrote a book called Practical SVG. Recently, the publisher, A Book Apart, closed shop. Now you can Read Practical SVG on the web, here on this site, for free. I always like how Mat's book was online so now mine can join that cool club. I'll echo what I say on the site: Thanks to Jeff Eaton for…

Billiard Lentil

@chriscoyier I hadn't heard about A Book Apart closing :-(

CMDR Yojimbosan UTC+(12|13)

@chriscoyier An excellent resource.

Are you able to publish an .epub version of it as well, from that site? I'll assume that republishing the original epub isn't a reasonable legal option, but perhaps a new one?

Alan Miller :verified_paw:

@joytrek @chriscoyier aww. Also looking at the site if I'd realized this was happening at the time I'd definitely have scraped together some $$ to buy a copy of everything they had still in stock.


@chriscoyier This is super cool! I only learned they closed today, was feeling sad anout missing out on so many books.

Just fyi, I noticed a missing graphic in the sizing and scaling chapter:

A section of the book where the markdown for an image shows up as text instead of an image.

@chriscoyier Thanks for sharing this nice resource!

Allow me to point out a stray backtick in Chapter 3 at the end of Figure 3.5's caption:

"FIG 3.5: Each of these curved tabs is the same path used over and over again with a different fil`l."


@chriscoyier Great read 👍 Note that the SMIL deprecation is not valid anymore.

Robert Koons

@chriscoyier thank you for sharing this resource!

I noticed the chapter menu close button is not working in mobile Safari. Looks like it has focus when tapped, though.

Mobile safari chapter menu showing close button focused.
Chris Coyier

Dang this blew up. I very expected nobody to care.

Ryan Trimble

@chriscoyier is there still a way to buy the paperback? I'm putting together a list of all A Book Apart books for folks to find.

Chris Coyier

@mrtrimble nah not anymore. I intentionally spun that down here.

Chris Smith

@chriscoyier Bought this when it came out and loved it.

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