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Chris Coyier

Practical SVG is Now Free to Read Online

Back in 2016 I wrote a book called Practical SVG. Recently, the publisher, A Book Apart, closed shop. Now you can Read Practical SVG on the web, here on this site, for free. I always like how Mat's book was online so now mine can join that cool club. I'll echo what I say on the site: Thanks to Jeff Eaton for…

Billiard Lentil

@chriscoyier I hadn't heard about A Book Apart closing :-(

CMDR Yojimbosan UTC+(12|13)

@chriscoyier An excellent resource.

Are you able to publish an .epub version of it as well, from that site? I'll assume that republishing the original epub isn't a reasonable legal option, but perhaps a new one?

Susan Farrell


A Book Apart has ceased publications but has books to sell on web design and development, writing and content, etc.

#books #bookstodon

Alan Miller :verified_paw:

@joytrek @chriscoyier aww. Also looking at the site if I'd realized this was happening at the time I'd definitely have scraped together some $$ to buy a copy of everything they had still in stock.


@chriscoyier This is super cool! I only learned they closed today, was feeling sad anout missing out on so many books.

Just fyi, I noticed a missing graphic in the sizing and scaling chapter:


@chriscoyier Thanks for sharing this nice resource!

Allow me to point out a stray backtick in Chapter 3 at the end of Figure 3.5's caption:

"FIG 3.5: Each of these curved tabs is the same path used over and over again with a different fil`l."


@chriscoyier Great read 👍 Note that the SMIL deprecation is not valid anymore.

Robert Koons

@chriscoyier thank you for sharing this resource!

I noticed the chapter menu close button is not working in mobile Safari. Looks like it has focus when tapped, though.

Chris Coyier

Dang this blew up. I very expected nobody to care.

Ryan Trimble

@chriscoyier is there still a way to buy the paperback? I'm putting together a list of all A Book Apart books for folks to find.

Chris Coyier

@mrtrimble nah not anymore. I intentionally spun that down here.

Chris Smith

@chriscoyier Bought this when it came out and loved it.

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