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@luciedigitalni Seriously, there are 2.5 major browsers. It's not that hard to support them. Especially since W3 standards have been around for freaking ever now. Devs no longer have the excuse of writing for IE's weirdo systems that basically broke W3 standards on purpose back in the day. At this point there literally is no reason to not work on basically any browser.


@nazokiyoubinbou @luciedigitalni sadly, the excuse is often that it would expand the test matrix beyond what the business side will pay for. Someone will use browser market share stats to justify not covering anything other than chrome and safari.

Not that I'm speaking from experience *ahem*


@thatdosbox @luciedigitalni And this is why a lot of people over the years have been forced to spoof their browser IDs. Which just makes it worse. *Sigh*

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