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@dysfun @marcan what's more secure than a bricked computer after all

Wilfried Klaebe

I assume you're all joking, but please, use the terms correctly!

From the back of my head, "IT security" is "ensuring confidentiality, integrity AND availability", and a bricked computer only ticks - at maximum - two of those boxes.

@syn @dysfun @marcan


@wonka I think they were just joking, nothing deeper then that.

Hector Martin

@dysfun Reminds me of gr"let's crash on integer overflows that aren't a security bug, and then let's try to fix one such overflow with a hilariously broken obviously unreviewed patch that instead of working around it replaced it with an actual overflow bug that still crashed, thus creating a local kernel panic DoS that anyone can trigger with a shell one-liner, also we don't count DoSes as CVEs so don't bother responsibly disclosing this but we're going to flame you on Twitter and embarrass ourselves so bad we end up deleting our Twitter account but at least we banned your dynamic IP address from our website and forum, take that!!!!!"security.

(Yes, this really happened after I crashed my grsecurity kernel Gentoo box years ago by pasting too much text into a terminal, then tweeted a repro. I stopped using grsecurity after that.)

@dysfun Reminds me of gr"let's crash on integer overflows that aren't a security bug, and then let's try to fix one such overflow with a hilariously broken obviously unreviewed patch that instead of working around it replaced it with an actual overflow bug that still crashed, thus creating a local kernel panic DoS that anyone can trigger with a shell one-liner, also we don't count DoSes as CVEs so don't bother responsibly disclosing this but we're going to flame you on Twitter and embarrass ourselves...


@marcan that doesn't surprise me tbh, gibson is an arse

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@dysfun @marcan that's GRC, not grsec (we're collectively bad at naming things)

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@marcan @dysfun yeah Steve Gibson is the guy who looks like a vacuum cleaner salesman that makes snakeoil disk recovery software under the name "GRC" (and also cohosts a podcast), whereas Brad Spengler is the grsecurity guy who had a meltdown on Twitter.

Andrew Zonenberg

@gsuberland @marcan @dysfun Lol I knew Steve was nuts and full of snake oil but this is the first I've heard the vacuum cleaner line.


@azonenberg @gsuberland @marcan @dysfun
Not seen many vacuum cleaner salesmen to be able to make a judgement but I can picture Steve Gibson being skilled at it
On his GRC site, SG walks the viewer through the features of his "blinkenlights" program for a PDP-8 emulator

Ariadne Conill 🐰

@marcan @dysfun this is why i am reimplementing basically everything from scratch with OpenPaX


@dysfun @marcan Availability is literally one of the three pillars of information security, also known as the CIA triad, along with confidentiality and integrity. A lack of reliability leads to unavailability and I now feel like I'm turning into Infosec Yoda.

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