I think some orgs value that "vendor is responsible, so it's not my fault" too much. Sure, the manager's head isn't gonna roll over this incident but productivity died and that's gonna upset a ton of people in the org.
@puck 5 comments
@puck I care more about uptime and reliability than the blame game. But I am also the kind of person who has a reputation for making reasonable decisions and assuming responsibility when this things go wrong. If taking responsibility (and not dodging accountability) costs me my job then that's clearly a sign the org has lost confidence in me and it was time to move on anyways. Hasn't happened to me yet though, and I have made some pretty big mistakes! @hmhackmaster @puck @JessTheUnstill @Aphrodite @calamari @nonnihil I think you are completely right from a business point of view, but from some upper-management person's viewpoint the "it's the vendors responsibility" is the path to ensure their decision can't come back to bite them. |
@hmhackmaster Excellent to hear about your success, and that you've been vindicated (yeah, different tool, but same context)!
And agreed, many orgs will try to transfer responsibility. Will be interesting to see how well that goes.