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Adam Honse

@ainmosni Not a Linux problem, but absolutely a failure of the proprietary and software as a service models. If this were an open, in-tree Linux driver, it would likely go through a much more robust review and test cycle as well as not be simultaneously pushed to every Linux system in existence using it. It would be filtered through multiple distros' testing and release processes which would make discovery of the bug much more likely.

Daniël Franke 🏳️‍🌈

If this was part of the OS, sure, but this is third party stuff that the corps installed themselves. Again, they would do exactly the same on Linux, and as replies to my post show, CrowdStrike is common on Linux as well.

Adam Honse

@ainmosni I agree, the root issue here is giving corporations permission to install proprietary code into your kernel that you can't review or fix should it go wrong.

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