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Dan Gillmor

Journalists who remain on Twitter at this point will be remembered for their capitulation to the forces that are working to end democracy, and by extension freedom of expression.


@dangillmor Washington post share button still has twitter on it.


@dangillmor I’m sure they’ll insist that they were only following orders.

Rich Stein (he/him)

Except for those who remain on the site to document its degradation and partisan bias. They're doing a service if it causes others to disassociate themselves from the site.

S. Dole Melipone

@dangillmor Is Josh Marshall/TPM still on there? I fail to see how Josh could stay at this point, whatever he may think about the following he's cultivated.

Eric Jennings


i hear elron is giving TFG $40,000,000 per month

Eric Lawton


How about governments?

The Government of Canada has hundreds of official accounts there, and none that I know of here.

The reply to an official petition to Parliament was "meh".



@dangillmor They’ve already crossed that threshold.


@dangillmor "This is a commercially available product" language from X sounds a bit evasive. Did someone actually pay for it, or was it voluntarily provided by #Twitter? In the latter case, should it be considered a campaign donation to which some rules apply?

ˈdälfən™🐬 💥 🌊

@dangillmor Everyone who is using X is helping Musk and Trump spread lies and hate.


They don't care. They have zero principles. Like a lot of us, many choices are in furtherance of continuing to receive a paycheck.


@dangillmor isn't that paid advertisement? And anyone can get such hash tags by paying?

Jay 🇺🇦

Delete the fascist app. Do it yesterday.

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