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Ben Ramsey

Wow, how I love #JetBrains IDEs!

I wanted to make a change to an open source #Rust project that I’m using, but I don’t know a lot about Rust. I opened the project in JetBrains’s #RustRover IDE and was able to navigate it easily and figure out how things work enough to make the changes I needed.


@ramsey I hate that Rust Rovwr didn’t exist when I was first learning.


@ramsey (It’s brand new, in case you didn’t know; your timing is impeccable).

Mo :ferris: :tux:

@ramsey Same impression with Rust-Analyzer in any editor. A language server is a must these days :D


@ramsey I use JetBrains' IDEs for 18 years, and I concur.

André Polykanine

@Revertron @ramsey If only they were accessible for screen reader users… Everyone loves them, but someone cannot use them at all which is a great shame.

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