I want to take a moment to acknowledge people in this space that give me joy. This is not an exhaustive list, and I’ll probably add more entries over time.

@evan - you are an absolute joy to talk to. Your energy and optimism are infectious, and the hour and a half talk we had for the upcoming podcast episode filled me with so much hope.

@snarfed Your attitude, creativity, and thoughtfulness are hugely inspiring. You care deeply about doing the right things the right way, and I respect the hell out of that. You are also so freaking handsome.

@dansup You work on so many amazing things, and still take time to hang out, talk, joke around, and laugh with me. I consider you a true friend.

@damon You are a wonderful person that I take great pleasure in knowing. It has been wonderful building We Distribute with you, and you have been so supportive during some really tough times. I can’t wait to see what Memory becomes!

@quillmatiq It’s so fun to talk to you, and pick your brain on stuff we’re writing and what’s going on around the space. I love how motivated you are with your newsletter, and your willingness to dive deep into subject material is something I greatly admire.

@laurenshof You are delightfully quirky, funny, and deeply introspective. I love your dedication to consistenly publishing The Fediverse Report. Also, I love your accent.

@cwebber You are one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, bar none. I feel stupid compared to you, but I have a tremendous amount of respect in your dedication to building a better Fediverse. Spritely is such a big idea, and I would love to see it take off.

@jalcine I know we only meet in person one time, but our meeting really stuck with me. You are so smart, and so funny. Just good vibes all around.

@dustin Thank you for enabling my worst instincts and leading me to build Brands Town. Your sense of humor and insights often crack me up.

@sun we’ve known each other forever. I just want to thank you for your humor, your jokes, and your heartfelt way of being.

@mikedev you are a fucking genius, from my point of view. I admire so much of what you do, and so much of what you’ve done. In many ways, you have helped shape my understanding of what the Fediverse is capable of being.

@radiofreefedi You are a fucking awesome person who is so willing to call things for what they are. Your support for artists in the community is profoundly inspiring. I will always love Radio Free Fedi.

@lain Your shitposting is legendary. You are still a total enigma, but you are hilarious and awesome. I miss listening to Lain Radio.

@jesseplusplus Every interaction I’ve had with you is so heartfelt, supportive, and kind. I loved learning about Frequency, your motivations for building it, and what you’re going for. You have a beautiful heart.

@deathkitten You have been so kind and supportive to me over the years, even when I’m hitting rock bottom. Thank you for always being there, whether I’m laughing or crying.

@sqhistorian I love your videos! You’re so amazingly funny and talented, and your game ideas have made me laugh until my belly hurt. Thank you for highlighting a very bright part of my childhood, Sierra adventure games.

@ethicalrevolution Your dedication to radical kindness and gentle demeanor really left an impression on me. It’s always refreshing to hear from you!

@rabble Even weeks later, I’m still basking in the afterglow of our interview with you. It was so much fun talking about the history and movements that led to this space today, and you blew my mind with so many things you said.