Hope my fellow #OpenBSD developers are having a great time in Prague for the #c2k24 #hackathon this week! 🐡:flan_hacker:
Hope my fellow #OpenBSD developers are having a great time in Prague for the #c2k24 #hackathon this week! 🐡:flan_hacker: 15 comments
@prahou I'm not there, but in general, OpenBSD hackathons are invite-only. :flan_peek: @thedaemon @prahou Difficult to do from Canada, someone needs to be there to introduce him, also hackathons are for hacking.. and I'm a slacker. :flan_tea: @thedaemon @brynet shh, I'm not a hacker, I only draw them :rek_dot_bit: @prahou @dartov Not sure this time, it was committed to the hackathons page by sashan@, drop them a mail. :flan_thumbs: https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=172060220404876&w=2 Edit: Artist was Jojin&HedgeHog. @brynet too bloody hot for serious hacking, but things come together nicely, if a bit slow... |
@brynet that is such a beautiful drawing! I love the eyes of Puffy drawn like this: excitement? curiosity? wonder? bit of all?