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Bryan Steele :flan_beard:

Hope my fellow #OpenBSD developers are having a great time in Prague for the #c2k24 #hackathon this week! 🐡:flan_hacker:​

cynicalsecurity :cm_2:

@brynet that is such a beautiful drawing! I love the eyes of Puffy drawn like this: excitement? curiosity? wonder? bit of all?

Bryan Steele :flan_beard:

@prahou I'm not there, but in general, OpenBSD hackathons are invite-only. :flan_peek:​

Bryan Steele :flan_beard:

@thedaemon @prahou Difficult to do from Canada, someone needs to be there to introduce him, also hackathons are for hacking.. and I'm a slacker. :flan_tea:​


@thedaemon @brynet shh, I'm not a hacker, I only draw them :rek_dot_bit:
I just got emotional seeing Puffy in town


@prahou @brynet shell scripting is hacking. Don't put yourself down so much.

Gonzalo Nemmi :runbsd:

@thedaemon @prahou @brynet

Whoever makes a "public and formal" invite to @prahou to the event gets the following 3 stickers sheets from me.

Edit: Invite should be *valid* and @prahou should get unrestricted access to everything that's going on at the event. Full meal and cigarettes included.

#OpenBSD #c2k24 #hackathon

Paul Gatling

Well I think you should be in there with a press pass to capture the event. Surrealist or not
@thedaemon @brynet

Anton Zadorožnyj

@brynet such a lovely depiction of T3 (tram model), who's the artist?

Bryan Steele :flan_beard:

@dartov Not sure this time, it was committed to the hackathons page by sashan@, drop them a mail. :flan_thumbs:​

Edit: Artist was Jojin&HedgeHog.

florian :flan_hacker:

@brynet too bloody hot for serious hacking, but things come together nicely, if a bit slow...


@brynet now I need that image as a non rounded animation a la old 3d vector games.

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