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Kate Kirby

@bhearsum @amgine @tob @brouhaha Sorry, that was unclear, I meant the same salary for the developer by 'same price', not the same cost to the company.


@uncanny_kate @bhearsum @tob @brouhaha

Same wage, 4x the time, 4x price to company, x unknown level of keystone to the purchaser.

The problem, as @DocBohn points out, is time frame. The target market may have a focus on quality, and if quality is objectively measurable will pay relative to their risk. The target market may have a focus on budget, in which case they will pay 50-90% the price of the objectively measured 'best quality', despite the liability being far greater.

Ben Hearsum

@uncanny_kate @amgine @tob @brouhaha ah, I see! Thanks for the clarification 🙏🙏. I wholeheartedly agree!

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