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Bas Schouten

@disky00 @prettyhuman @cuchaz Journalists might disagree. Running a service like Wikipedia (even without Jimmy's spammy self-advertising) or Mastodon requires significantly less means than the flak jackets, helmets and equipments required to document what's going on in the Gaza Strip.


@Schouten_B @prettyhuman @cuchaz Wikipedia holds a semi-annual funding drive which I wouldn't consider the same as advertising, especially not targeted advertising the likes of which are implemented by companies like Google and Meta. As for funding journalism, are these companies actually doing this? I don't think they are, but if I'm wrong then I'm not following their outlets anyway and yet I remain informed.

Bas Schouten

@disky00 @prettyhuman @cuchaz I spend 'a lot' (by reasonable standards, not sacrificing anything to be clear, nothing virtuous here) of money on journalism outlets, and I'm very happy with the world they are doing.

And indeed, Wiki's funding drive is not the same, but their model is generic enough and attracts enough privileged people to fund their business model. Not so much for most authors :-).

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