@Schouten_B @prettyhuman @cuchaz I am neither educated nor wealthy, and yet here I am. I'm sorry, but the narrative that this is a move for disadvantaged people feels disingenuous. I know Firefox has been struggling and tough choices need to be made, but I also believe that those who use Firefox do so because it is seen as the less evil alternative to Chrome/Chromium. Choices like this give the impression that this is changing.
@disky00 @prettyhuman @cuchaz I don't think it is. Don't get me wrong. Working for Google or Facebook would allow me to make multiple times what I make at Firefox. If I didn't believe in the mission I'd be long gone.
The Mastodon bubble (even if you are not educated as you say), is extremely unrepresentative of the web or society at large. That society at large and its most vulnerable, to me, are much more important than the savvy people here.