@Schouten_B @disky00 @prettyhuman @cuchaz Idle question: Why would anyone want to advertise to people unable to spend 1 dollar on their product?
@Schouten_B @disky00 @prettyhuman @cuchaz Idle question: Why would anyone want to advertise to people unable to spend 1 dollar on their product? 3 comments
@Schouten_B @chris_evelyn @disky00 @cuchaz @prettyhuman @chris_evelyn @disky00 @cuchaz Sure.. But a large amount of the content is only available to those with money. On a web driven by freedium models such as Patreon people with fewer means are at a fundamental disadvantage. It's fine to advocate for that model, as long as we realize, and are honest, about the increased privilege disparity that creates. |
@chris_evelyn @disky00 @prettyhuman @cuchaz They don't. Advertising is an equaliser in that sense. Advertising (financially) comes at a greater 'cost' to people with greater financial means compared to people with fewer financial means.