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Jeff Martin

There's hope tho.

In Mozilla's earlier days, they jettisoned a totally new web browser project called Servo. It's sort of a ground-up effort to build a browser using the latest safety tech, like the Rust programming language.

And the best part is, Servo is totally independent from Mozilla now and they have * independent funding * !

Meaning, Google isn't bankrolling Servo as anti-trust insurance (*cough* Firefox *cough*), so there's a chance it might actually take a real stance against adtech on the web.

Servo is faaaar from ready for general use yet, but it's picking up development speed. Definitely an option to keep an eye on for the future. :blobcatthumbsup:

keithzg And with the development history of Gecko's attempts at becoming portable and embeddable into other applications and web browsers, Servo may overtake it for usability from a development perspective sooner rather than later ​:cat-tears-of-joy:​


@cuchaz This looks really interesting. Thank you for sharing this.

And yeah - not loving the new "feature" in Firefox.


@cuchaz does it have a new source of funding? we heard that the big grant it got a year or two ago had run out

Klara! ❤️

@cuchaz Also, Ladybird just gained quite a few full time developers IIRC.

J. "Henry" Waugh

@boo_ and may or may not have lost them again due to drama (which I won't get into)

Dr Ro Smith

@hadley @boo_ Yeah, I was gonna say, this is not a great alternative.

Rich Felker

@boo_ @cuchaz It's a dead end project due to developer having ideology in conflict with interests of users.

Albi :furry_pride: :neurodiversity: 🇵🇱 :verified:

@cuchaz Ladybird browser has forked out of SerenityOS and is now aiming to be a completely independent browser.


@cuchaz а что вы думаете о браузере @Vivaldi от бывших сотрудников #Opera? Мне его, в своё время порекомендовали, так как он принадлежит закрытой компании, не привлекающей стороннее финансирование.

К тому же, @servo пока не имеет мобильной версии, а в современном мире она нужна даже больше, чем версия на ПК.


@cuchaz unchecked, thank you for the heads up.


@cuchaz the task of implementing a web browser sound sooo hard. I would reimplements Postgresql from scratch with better perf before finishing writing the architecture design of the stuff.

Kudo to those projects but I would not bet on the success!


@cuchaz so if all of us nerds stopped using Firefox as the less-bad browser and switched to (some fork of) Chromium...

how much of a dent would that make in Firefox's user share?

probably not much, but

if Firefox lost all of its users, would that kill Mozilla?

would the death of Mozilla cause Google to be hit with antitrust?

would the end result be better than Mozilla's continued existence?


@cuchaz With there is another non-profit browser on the rise. Im looking forward to the alpha of ladybird in 2026

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