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teledyn π“‚€


This happened in FTP days too, and I took to storing anything important because it might not be there tomorrow, or worse, behind a paywall. At one point I had a large box of 5.25 floppies I'd copied to CD that we trucked to the dump. Later did CD to DVD, most of that also now on a 5tb drive.

Periodically, since 1985 or so, there were moments when I thought gee it is all online for free why do I bother? But then mores change and I buy more storage, it's a vicious cycle.

Rusty Bertrand

The contents of the Library of Alexandria are being lost daily. Ancient archaeology being hit with MOABs.


I'm still getting over the bombing of Baghdad. Now Rafah. Oldest city still in use. And the US bombed the edges and airport of Sana'a, Yemen.

What next? They gonna bomb Petra?

teledyn π“‚€

@RustyBertrand if you look into it, the library at Alexandria was in such a bad state when it burned, that the event wasn't considered important. Years of budget cuts, thievery, corrupt management, you know the drill.

But we did, in Usenet days, dare to think we could build a better one, with military tech said to withstand nuclear attack.

Never occurred to anyone it would be attacked and overrun by billionaires!

Rusty Bertrand

@teledyn So the early Christians skinned and burned Hypatia alive for nothing?

teledyn π“‚€


Google freaked me out when they gave 5 months notice to cough up $85us a month for a family account. I realized "somebody else's computer" is not a safe place to keep your own stuff.

Google rescinded, mere days before the deadline, but the lesson remains. Depending on single sources is bad design. So for example, an Anna's Archive might have that paper you want because it is distributed, private replications, impossible to 'erase'.

So not dark; there's scattered starlight ☺️

Rusty Bertrand

@teledyn Gooble has been "backing up" my photography for 10 years. It just told me "they are safe, but you cant access them."

Oh what? My photos. My fancy zoom, my crisp closeups of ducks. Now just blurry memories on FB.

Tears in the rain.

teledyn π“‚€


I backup my phone to nextcloud now, at some point will clear google photos but right now it's the screen saver in the kitchen - I am trying to build a replacement but that's another adventure. πŸ˜…

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