This happened in FTP days too, and I took to storing anything important because it might not be there tomorrow, or worse, behind a paywall. At one point I had a large box of 5.25 floppies I'd copied to CD that we trucked to the dump. Later did CD to DVD, most of that also now on a 5tb drive.
Periodically, since 1985 or so, there were moments when I thought gee it is all online for free why do I bother? But then mores change and I buy more storage, it's a vicious cycle.
The contents of the Library of Alexandria are being lost daily. Ancient archaeology being hit with MOABs.
I'm still getting over the bombing of Baghdad. Now Rafah. Oldest city still in use. And the US bombed the edges and airport of Sana'a, Yemen.
What next? They gonna bomb Petra?