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Ángela Stella Matutina

@artisanrox @RustyBertrand

I'm more than happy to support scientific research and technological development with my taxes. Paying directly to authors would distort that. And the current government of Argentina would love that, they've already slashed R&D budgets, so please don't.


@angelastella @RustyBertrand

want to remind everyone that we have huge sections of the medical community that don't think viruses are real and children should be infected to not get infected.

we ALREADY have bad actors in science.

IMHO these arguments only prevent serious actors from getting paid.

Ángela Stella Matutina

@artisanrox @RustyBertrand

Different situation down here. Most of our bad actors are administrators and politicians, not practitioners. And yes, it's very hard to do research down here, but our economy is in such a bad shape that only compulsory contributions (i.e., taxes) are viable. It's not that I don't want to chip in, it would set a bad precedent while for the US it's already the statu quo.

🇯🇴 Severian 🔬🔭📡📚

@artisanrox @angelastella @RustyBertrand

Medical practice and medical science are not the same thing, as a TV economy expert differs from a real academic economist

Ángela Stella Matutina

@SeverianX @artisanrox @RustyBertrand

Yep, that's another layer. But in the US they have both physicians and so-called researchers promoting pseudoscience. We're not quite there yet.

🇯🇴 Severian 🔬🔭📡📚

@angelastella @artisanrox @RustyBertrand

Mmm, in the few cases I went a bit deeper, the so called "reseacher" is just a medical teacher on some small university with a few papers (if any) in a Q4 journal...

Rusty Bertrand

Authours have to pay 11k to be published without a paywall in Nature.


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