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TIL that IKEA is a board member of the Khronos Group, the industry consortium responsible for 3D graphics standards such as OpenGL.

I'm not sure when or why IKEA got involved, but suddenly all of OpenGL's tricky invocation magic makes a little more sense now :revblobfoxupsidedown:

Efi (nap pet) πŸ¦ŠπŸ’€

@dotjayne well, they do make 3D objects, that's like their whole deal


@efi lol, touchΓ©...

I'm sure they provide plenty of expertise to the desktop part of "desktop media technologies"


@dotjayne Apple famously vetoed anything resembling GLSL for what would become the WebGPU Shading Language due to IP disputes with Khronos. Now it all makes sense. Apple wants to enter the furniture business.

Perry πŸ¦†πŸ¦«πŸ₯š they do offer a 3D interior designer. Don't know if that uses OpenGL, though. But who knows what they use internally to make their designs...

Tane Piper ⁂

@dotjayne @dysfun It's because we have an entire department dedicated to rendering product images and scenes and making them hyper-realistic. Also all the 3D planning tools use WebGL.

I also heard that we have a LCD Screen stage like The Mandalorian...

Farce Majeure

@dotjayne they have this whole "design your own kitchen" (and other rooms) app, of course they're invested.

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