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Ben Harris-Roxas

@mhoye the arc of the moral universe is long, and it bends towards Randal Monroe answering for his many crimes of aiding and abetting technbro smugness.


@ben_hr @mhoye I have used this comic myself many times, and while I could readily accept its deployment as hacky or clichéd, I am struggling to understand how it might be “smug”? It describes a pervasive failure, one we are all complicit in, how do you read its users as feeling somehow superior?

Hugo Devillers

@glyph @ben_hr @mhoye maybe in the broader sense of "techbro" as "not as technical as they think they are", because it's easy to post XKCD comics to look like you're part of some nebulous in-group, and it's also easy for that to turn into a "how do you do, fellow kids" energy post

Clifford Adams

@gob @glyph @ben_hr @mhoye

I don't fault Randall for his comics, although maybe he should do an XKCD where he adds a disclaimer that not all situations fit any particular XKCD. (Then people could refer to that XKCD number and feel REALLY SMART.)

Techbros often misuse XKCDs (or memes in general) as a kind of "thought terminating cliche", especially the infamous 927 about standards. Just cite the XKCD and walk away--no need to consider the issues in depth.

@gob @glyph @ben_hr @mhoye

I don't fault Randall for his comics, although maybe he should do an XKCD where he adds a disclaimer that not all situations fit any particular XKCD. (Then people could refer to that XKCD number and feel REALLY SMART.)

Techbros often misuse XKCDs (or memes in general) as a kind of "thought terminating cliche", especially the infamous 927 about standards. Just cite the XKCD and walk away--no need to consider the issues in depth.


@wikicliff @gob @glyph @ben_hr @mhoye ok but worth remembering that "this is a thought terminating cliché" is, itself, a thought terminating cliché, including, unfortunately, this mention.

Clifford Adams

Agreed, which is why I was careful to say the XKCDs/memes may be *misused* as thought terminating cliches. (I wonder how long it will take for that accent mark in "cliché" to go away in English, like the umlauts in "naive" and "cooperate".)


@wikicliff I certainly wouldn't have added it if it had been harder to type, so... when android updates their keyboard?

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