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Space Hobo Actual

@b0rk Here's my useful use of this information!

Let's say you have a command that might succeed quickly or fail silently and slowly. How about it's something that connects over the network, and you have an unreliable connection, so sometimes it works but most of the time it hangs.

I will hold down Ctrl with my left hand, and quickly tap out CPJ with my right, to do ^C^P^J (kill job, previous shell command, enter) to restart it. It's like a magic word that resets these little command-line programs to the start!

Space Hobo Actual

@b0rk It's rather amusing to me that @dmarti boosted this, as I once told him this in person while at an event about 20 years ago where Cory Doctorow was speaking. I had a really hard time explaining the finger-choreography in a way that sold the speed this gave you, and he kept lifting his left finger off Ctrl.

It's important not to move your left hand for this trick!

Don Marti

@spacehobo @b0rk if you go Control CP Enter then you can get your left little finger over to Alt faster so you can switch terminals?

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