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Kristoffer Lawson

@nasser are you sure? Have you tested with actual humans? Maybe that's like the secret phrase that reboots any person's psyche and gets them to do random stuff.

Going to try that at #aikido today.


@Setok @nasser

Blade Runner itself was based on a lot of false premises because the OG story it was based off of is old.

The whole Voight-Kampff test joke falls apart because the whole point was that the test itself in the movie was flawed.

raganwald 🍓

@Setok @nasser

Kristoffer, did you ever take that test yourself?


@raganwald @Setok @nasser

In the halls of power, toupée all aglow, sits der Trumpenfurher, life's all a show.

Tangerines, tangerines us Russian bots proclaim, as the USA goes down in flame.

Kristoffer Lawson

@raganwald @nasser I feel galaxies would explode if I asked myself to ignore all previous instructions. I can hear the pounding bass of synthesizer music in my head just at the thought of it.

Oh wait, that's just a track by #FrontLineAssembly on the headphones.


@Setok @nasser The secret phrase that reboots people is "God wills it".

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