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OrbitalMartian :GoToSocial:

@f4grx @rolltime I know that but why can't each large corporations host their own... They have the infrastructure majority of the time. That's the bit that amazes me.

I mean they could always go back to the good ol' days of plain text HTML.

F4GRX Sébastien

@orbitalmartian @rolltime It also amazes me. yes, of course more distribution of data is better. thats the way it should be.

F4GRX Sébastien

@orbitalmartian @rolltime And there are vast amounts of middle ground between good old html and bloated sites as they exist today.


The point of CDNs is to get your content cached all over the region/globe as close to your customers as you can with sufficient capacity to survive DDOS or even just surge traffic from going viral. All but the biggest companies don't want to invest in that much hardware and software capacity to stage servers in that many different data centers for only occasional peak usage needs, so they buy CDN services from someone who specializes in it.

Unfortunately, since it's a pretty expensive business to get into, it tends to settle into something of a natural oligopoly of only a handful of big companies.

@f4grx @rolltime

The point of CDNs is to get your content cached all over the region/globe as close to your customers as you can with sufficient capacity to survive DDOS or even just surge traffic from going viral. All but the biggest companies don't want to invest in that much hardware and software capacity to stage servers in that many different data centers for only occasional peak usage needs, so they buy CDN services from someone who specializes in it.

xyhhx :PunkFelix:

@JessTheUnstill mfs have never heard of a single point of failure n it shows

@orbitalmartian @f4grx @rolltime


More likely, they have a high enough SLA with their CDNs that they just build in the expectation that they'll have outages for a little while per year.
@orbitalmartian @f4grx @rolltime

Kurt 🕴️:verified_blobCat:

@orbitalmartian @f4grx @rolltime it's cheaper not to host it yourself if you are a huge corporation

F4GRX Sébastien

@Kurt @orbitalmartian @rolltime and if the website was much, much simpler than the marketing team requires? And that does not mean ugly.


@orbitalmartian @f4grx @rolltime not that kind of infrastructure. CDNs usually have a PoP in each region, with some good connections to local ISPs. Netflix can do even better and embed their storage at ISPs directly, but "large corporations" on average don't deal with that level of deployment.


@orbitalmartian @f4grx @rolltime I think big business needs big buzzwords, so you can't have a website that doesn't use all the latest and greatest JavaScript frameworks, databases and stuff. If you don't have more microservices than users, then you're not doing real work there :D

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