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ActivityPub Overview updated. I added GNUsocial and a cc by-sa license. 🙂

Beko Pharm

@mray Love it! Thanks for CC-BY-SA

cheers mate 🍻


Hallo @kuketzblog , hier gibt es auch eine Variante eurer Übersicht. Finde es großartig, dass ihr euch so engagiert. Danke dafür!


@mray I appreciate the spirit, but the slogan has serious "Let me interject for a moment. What some call Linux..." vibes, which I'm not sure is intended


@hisham_hm It is. There is a vague notion out there that you can be part of the "Fediverse" but not speak ActivityPub (e.g. Diaspora). I support a definition of "Fediverse" that directly ties to that protocol. Not doing so would mean we were all in the "Fediverse" since the 70's, rendering the fresh vibes that come with the words usage basically meaningless.

Lets face it: email, XMPP, Matrix,... are all open, de-central AWESOMENESS! But they remain their own thing.

That's my spirit.


@mray Got it. It's a fair argument (though I hear there are bridges between different protocols?)

Just wanted to check if you're aware that the RMS-like tone does turn off a lot of people, which may or may not be the intention for an advocacy piece. GNU supporters haven't been good at outreaching beyond their own audience for a while now, so not sure if it's a good pattern to follow.

Hubzilla's main Protocol is Zot and ActivityPub support is a plug-in. And isn't enabled by default as far as I know.

Hubzilla by default is a part of the fediverse but not "activitypub network"

@MrsMouse I didn't realize, too. That's why it wasn't there initially. But seems like there is a plugin that does the trick. 😋

func_doggoλt_rotating This is very cool, may I share this on other platforms?

Mitch Conner
WordPress and Drupal are federated these days?!

@mray also WordPress? Can I follow WordPress blogs from my mastodon account?


@ueberlegend The wordpress site needs to have the plugin up and running. Don't know what it does though. I assume comments and following blogposts?

Rich McCue

@mray Mattermost is an Open Source tool similar to Slack that you might want to consider including in the next iteration of your infographic -


@richmccue Mattermost is nice, but it seems they don't speak ActivityPub 😐 . There basically is no way to connect to any project shown in the infographic. That's why I wouldn't consider them to be "Fediverse".

def #nowar

@drq @mray интересно, я не знал что ворлдпресс и некстклауд работает на активитипаб, а какой там функционал федерации?

Joseph-Kass Tomaras

@mray This is the first I've heard of Bookwyrm, but I like the idea. Are there ways to import data from Goodreads onto it? (Unfortunately, as a writer I have to maintain a GR profile, to monitor my reputation... but I don't like it.)

@mray The fediverse does not only speak ActivityPub

@StampedingLonghorn tbh there needs to be more stuff in the fediverse

Stampeding Longhorn :budgie:

@SpeedyService What kind of Fediverse software would you like to have exist? That graphic does not contain all of the choices. You can find more here:


@StampedingLonghorn @SpeedyService At one point I was thinking of working on a federated pinboard (to replace #Pinterest), but I'm too busy to manage that right now...

Matthias Pfefferle

@mray this is awesome, but can you please write WordPress with capital „P“?


@mray as for anyone arguing the semantics of what IS the #fediverse, I think what you have is a great, generalized, easy to understand concept that AP connected applications are what are driving the current federated universe.

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good, as they say:)


@mray woah, looks so damn gorgeous. 🤩

Well done. 👍😀

Oliver (FKK positiv 🏖️)

@mray @zeitverschreib lol there's a paid microblogging tool in the Fediverse? 🧐
Anyway, I'm most exited about the ucoming @Goldfish by @stux 😻

6erriet 🐧🍓

@mray drupal too ... wow thats great 🙃😉

Ade Malsasa Akbar

Hello @mray, what software do you use to make this poster?

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