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Tinker ☀️

So my local library's makerspace offered a free event where they brought in a bunch of old tower computers, printers, game consoles, etc., - laid out a bunch of iFixit toolkits - and let everyone (kids and adults alike) take everything apart!!!

One kid was hesitant because they didn't want to break anything and the library staff were like, none of it works. We're recycling and throwing everything out afterwards! Go hog wild, you won't get in trouble! You're meant to break it and take it apart!

The kid was absolutely enthusiastic and went to town!

I got to be a kid again and go into detail about all the computer parts and what each of the hardware did. It was awesome watching my children and other kids and adults interact, share tools, show off what they found.

I spoke with the organizer afterwards and asked if this was a regular thing and he said that he didn't have enough old equipment to make it regular. I laughed and said all of my friends have CLOSETS FULL OF THIS STUFF and the idea of giving it to a bunch of kids and adults to play with would bring joy and meaning to their life, lol!

I gave him the time to meet up with @fxbghackers and told him to make a community announcement about needing old electronics for donation to take apart and he'd get truck loads.

Just another way community helps each other out. This is post scarcity education.

#solarPunk #mutualAid #community #library #makerSpace

A group of people sitting around a table with electronics in various states of disrepair.
A shot later on where the table is completely covered with PCBs and various electronics all taken a part in a wonderful joyous mess.

@tinker @fxbghackers you have the coolest library! I'm totally suggesting this idea to mine 🤩

Tinker ☀️

@toddmedema - And we're just a small town! Absolutely suggest the idea to yours and run with it! Libraries should be the center of every community.


@tinker @fxbghackers this is such a cool idea. I work in tech and just reached out to my local library suggesting this idea, since I too have an absolute butt-load of old tech!


@tinker @fxbghackers TINKER! Another ABSOLUTE win of a project. This is AWESOME. I am totally going to do this.

XenoPhage :verified:

@tinker @fxbghackers Ah. Destruction Alley. We do this at BSides Delaware for the kids. It's a prime attraction in the Spawn Camp area.

indrora, boot of journalism

@XenoPhage @tinker @fxbghackers my late friend Hugh ran these as Dr. Destructo at science fiction conventions.

My old makerspace did these all the time for maker Faire.

XenoPhage :verified:

@tinker @fxbghackers Amazing what the kids come up with too.. Some of them ended up fixing random PCs and Laptops, so they got to keep them. Others pulled parts out and made jewelry. Never a dull moment. :)

Tinker ☀️

Note for those wanting to do similar at their local libaries... it requires very little overhead. You need a large table or set of tables. You need old junk electronics. And you need a bunch of tools (expect the tools to be abused!).

There was no teaching or slideshows or any prep. Just let people take things apart, explore, and talk to each other.

Thats it!


Note for those wanting to do similar at their local libaries... it requires very little overhead. You need a large table or set of tables. You need old junk electronics. And you need a bunch of tools (expect the tools to be abused!).

There was no teaching or slideshows or any prep. Just let people take things apart, explore, and talk to each other.


@tinker that's awesome. My wife just accepted a job as a library director at a library that has been closed since 2018, and is tasked with rebuilding from scratch! I'll pass this on to her (as well as the Seed Bank stuff!)

Dorothea Salo

@rateexportpilot @tinker I hope she's connected with the library fedi?

we're a bit niche here at (not that she wouldn't be welcome, she totally would), but has lots of cool and helpful people


@tinker figuring out how to take apart a lot of that stuff is an education in itself. Not to mention kids getting to see what an internal drive and so on look like.

GrumpyDad 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@tinker @fxbghackers Did the same thing at my kids daycare about 14 yrs ago. Kids had a blast taking apart old electronics. Plus they had tons of questions about what all the things were. Lots of fun for everyone!

I remember doing this as a kid! I don't have the closets of stuff to put an event like this on, but I bet someone in my community does... 🤔
David Croyle

@tinker @fxbghackers That's fantastic. When my kid was growing up and got old enough to do it, whenever I had an old computer, laptop or hard drive to recycle I handed the to him with a selection of tools and let him go to town stripping everything down as much as possible. He always enjoyed it and looked forward to it!

Internet Rando

@tinker @fxbghackers this is only reinforcing my nascent intention of throwing an installfest at *my* local library. Thank you for this inspiration showing up in my feed.


@tinker @fxbghackers such initiatives are seriously underrated as fostering of curiosity and confidence.

Kudos to them.

Les Orchard

@tinker @fxbghackers Oh, dang, this is how I started learning about electronics and how things worked back when I was a kid. Taking everything apart and getting jazzed up about learning what all the things inside did. Broke a bunch of things but eventually started learning how to fix and then build

Matt :idic: 🌌

@lmorchard @tinker @fxbghackers I have fond memories of making pink smoke trying to fix the speaker on my 386 :blobfoxlaughsweat:

a libi rose

@tinker i did workshops like this called "take it apartys" for my dissertation. they are the most fun

Holiday Bill

@rose_alibi @tinker I'm planning a very similar set of workshops/events for the makerspace I'm launching later this year!

a libi rose

@wcbdata @tinker if you want to use the zine that i made let me know and i can send you a pdf to print


@tinker @fxbghackers @oldskirt this is awesome! taking apart computers is an A+ way to create enthusiastic hackers.


@tinker @fxbghackers what a great idea! I should ping my local library about something similar.

Daniel M Karlsson

@tinker Amazing! I love it! This made me so happy to read.


@tinker @fxbghackers Hey, that's pretty cool, and might get people to recycle e-waste they wouldn't've otherwise.

I had a computer class in high school where we did something similar one day. Teacher got a bunch of desktops that were about to be recycled and we were put in pairs to dissassemble and then reassemble them while identifying the parts and writing down what they did. Amazing lesson plan, really. I think it was much clearer to many of us than looking at hardware schematics.


@tinker @fxbghackers Gotta ask, did any of the kids make a working computer from the pieces parts?

Tinker ☀️

@FurryBeta @fxbghackers - Nope! But several took parts home to remember the experience by!


@tinker @fxbghackers

Odds are good that there was enough working parts to construct a working computer.

Well, if you use Linux for the OS.


Orion Ussner kidder

@tinker @fxbghackers I love this! You're demystifying computers for them. I opened up a laptop with my kid a few days ago, and he was into it! The fact that it has parts and isn't just magic is really important to learn.


@tinker @fxbghackers can confirm. i have boxes and draws full of broken old shit, but glad to see more exposure to hardware. hopefully these events go over the safety and what not to do that we all did at one point.

Philip C James

@tinker @fxbghackers

Great idea!

But I have to ask - you've given most of those pictured sunglasses to hide their identities?


Tinker ☀️

@PhilipCJames @fxbghackers - I don't understand your question. Could you rephrase it?

Philip C James

@tinker @fxbghackers

No problem... When I noted that most of the smiley faces you'd used on your images were wearing sun-glasses I was reminded of that exchange between a National Guard officer and his subordinate in the satirical novel THE MUELLER-FOKKER EFFECT by John Sladek (RIP, sadly).

The one that goes:

NG1: "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!"

NG2: "But sir! They're all wearing sunglasses!"

Tinker ☀️

@PhilipCJames @fxbghackers - hahaha, lol 😂 Yeah I just got a couple different emojis and used them to cover faces. No particular rhyme or reason. But I like your idea 😄

J4YC33 ❌

@tinker @fxbghackers

Yo I remember when that library system opened makerspaces. Such a small world.

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

@tinker Kids and big kids (me) love stuff like this! 🧰⁠🛠️⁠💻⁠🪛⁠🔩

Alex Hyett

@tinker @fxbghackers this is awesome! I used to take stuff apart all the time as a kid. Unfortunately most of it wasn’t broken before I started.

Dubs! 🌩️

@tinker this is so cool, I would’ve loved to had tried this as a kid!!


I work in childcare, up to 12 so we do after school care as well. As IT we very regularly get asked for old hardware to have kids disassemble.

Maybe we should start being there and explaining what the things are and what they can be used for... 🤔


@tinker what a great program. it would be fantastic to let kids bring home the things they break (or fix!) and really give them a sense of pride


@tinker @fxbghackers Might be an opportunity here to collaborate with Tech4Troops? Nonprofit in Richmond that does electronic recycling.

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