google photos has understood what a cat is since it launched, and it can even read text inside of my images. hell, it can even find something obscure like pictures of a video game just by typing the name of the game. so i can easily search through my 10s of thousands of photos. without having to remember dates or manually tag stuff myself. this kind of machine learning is sick and i want to see more of it, because it has genuine value and makes my life easier

having a computer understand what something is and be able to index and organise it is genuinely helpful and i've been taking advantage of it without even thinking since i was a pre-teen. i mean, we've been doing that kind of thing since like the early to mid 2010s, it's the backbone of optical character recognition, spellcheck, predictive text, and speech recognition, some extremely mature technologies that just seem normal to us now

...but i never asked for my phone to generate me a picture of a monkey eating a cheeseburger. why would i want that. what value does this bring to my life. how does this help me in any way other than make me exhale through my nose once or twice