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Daily Grail

The AI revolution will not be televised.



Well, at least it has the first step, which is to frame and panel the wall. That's the one I always forget.

Tom Bellin :picardfacepalm:

@dailygrail to generate this GPT emitted approximately the same amount of CO2 into the atmosphere as someone driving a Hummer all year.


@dailygrail That seems a perfectly reasonable way to watch Amazon Prime though.


This is the best advice I've seen from that machine.


@dailygrail actually this time AI got it just right


@dailygrail If you uploaded this to an AI and asked it to count the steps, what would it say?

Rhetorical question: I don’t support the environmental damage involved in answering it.



There is an utter stupidity in AI of the kind you will not find in (most) humans…

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@dailygrail Good to know I have to drill through the screen from the back. Excellent!


@dailygrail AI has decided that TV nowadays is shit so better take a book and forget about it


@dailygrail I tried to follow the directions, but I ran into trouble on...let's see, steps 4, 4, and also I think 4? No wait, step 3/4, 4/3? What the hell is that number? 3-6? The step that comes before 4 4


@dailygrail can't wait for our robot overlords to serve our every need.


@dailygrail the numbering system reminds me of the 4yo au pair child, but she had clearly concepts for those numbers

Reticent Turnip

@dailygrail This makes a really good point, though, which is that you have to take care of the scovs before you can deal with the pailot holes


@dailygrail It looks like that AI is related to this Autocorrect thing.

Frank Heijkamp

@dailygrail Don't swap step 4 with step 4 and step 7 with step 7. But do remember to skip steps 8 to 18.


@dailygrail so, we can't mount a TV here in Europe. We seldom have studs in our brick walls

Mid-sized Ackman

@dailygrail step twelveteen is always the last one.


@dailygrail Finally a sign of true intelligence, rejecting the raw sewage that TV pumps into viewer's brains.

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