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Bhante Subharo

@miah I, for one, would sooner turn to XMPP, because it's mobile friendly, while having a server lightweight enough to easily run on a $5US/month VPS. I run a prosody server myself. All the clients at least have decently-working push-to-talk voice memos, and end-to-end encryption.

I've tried IRC, but it's too inconvenient compared to where the bar has raised to, what with the advent of mobile messaging apps like WhatsApp and Signal.

#xmpp #opensource


@miah @sbb #Matrix is the protocol with all of the momentum behind. #XMPP had a culture of ignoring problems bad enough to make Matrix necessary

Bhante Subharo

@docRekd @miah once I can very-stably "sudo apt install dendrite", I'll consider having a serious look at Matrix - but not sooner.


@miah @sbb #nixos is a pathway to many abilities some may consider… unnatural


@docRekd @miah @sbb I mean the SCT and especially element arent really focused on actually fixing the state reset issues it feels, one thing that could make it alot easier to track down why state resets are happening they just refuse to do and say it wont help is a great deep dive into why caonical json is bad

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