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Michal Špondr

@miah The ability to run your own server is unimportant to 99% of users when IRC can't federate. No one would go to my IRC server to send me a message.

Miah Johnson

@michal huh? Irc doesn't federate automatically yes, but it is possible for many different people to run irc servers and form a network.

Miah Johnson

@michal if you don't have friends or can't make them then don't run your own server. Join an existing network.

Tomáš Janoušek
@michal @miah If nobody would go to your IRC server then why so many communities expect people to join their Discord server (or their Slack workspace)? It's the same concept, just a bit worse (in some ways; maybe "better" in others, such as a complete rando being able to ask a question and then walk away for a week and then see what happened in the meanwhile).
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