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Paul Jackson

@NyakoKitty Well, I've just checked and there's no tuna in the house, so your idea that your Jedi mind tricks work on the weak minded is... hey... now just you wait a minute Neko! 😸

My Cat Sighs…


Have you retrieved the tuna yet? 😹😹😹

Paul Jackson

@NyakoKitty can't talk now, just on my way to the local shop for.... um... reasons. 😹

My Cat Sighs…


Could it be…ummm 🤔 TUNA? 😆🐟😆🐟😆

Paul Jackson

@NyakoKitty Strangely enough, it is! And I don't even like tuna which is strange. I wonder where that idea came from. 🤔 🤣 🐟

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