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As a millennial it feels like we had the puurfect time with IT and tech growing up

For example we did play outside and a little later computers became more "normal" so a bit of both worlds

Also much was a wild west and it was much issue fixing to even get started so we learned a lot!

Nowadays it's mostly simplified GUI's and it does bring a lot of ease but it also takes away the requirement for much of the basic knowledge

Jan ☕🎼🎹☁️🏋️‍♂️

@stux this.

I feel like so much knowledge is getting lost.


@jan It really is 😮

Often a simply search seems far away for some 🤔

The Mighty Git

@stux Given your similarity of feeling you'd have loved being gen-x, too.


@stux boomers played with the hardware and operating systems, gen x played with applications and Web sites, millennials played with social platforms, gen z are locked up in walled gardens.

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