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Это скриншот записи в Твиттере пользователя @ mpltnv. В записи пользователь рассуждает о том, что государственные СМИ РФ врут о ситуации в Иране.

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Короче там смешнее. Если вбить статью медузы в гугл переводчик то ИРИ превращается в ИРАН.

Но сука ГУГЛ ПЕРЕВОДЧИК в мировом издании? Я понимаю когда ошибки в какомнить стартапе журналистском, но СУКАААА

According to the text, the AP and Iran have prepared several dozen "creative projects" for the 2024 elections. Novikov's subordinates took charge of their promotion with the help of bloggers and the media, and Goreslavsky's department took charge of digital and outdoor advertising, as well as marketing in general. They also recruited the ANO Dialog, another propaganda structure, which has been disseminating fakes about Ukraine: the organization has branches throughout Russia. The presentation states that the Dialogue members were tasked with "distributing content in the regions."

The document lists the names of films and TV series that are planned to be "distributed" and "promoted" in connection with the Russian presidential elections. Among them are those financed by Iran itself, those created with money from the Cinema Fund and the Ministry of Culture, and even those financed by private investors. And also paintings that are very difficult to suspect of promoting a pro-state agenda.

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