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The Peter Pan of Nerdery™ 🇦🇺

@mycorrhiza @bouncepaw Hold up. Did you mean, nobody really knows how to use *Windows*? Or Mycorrhiza ON Windows?


@dhry @bouncepaw nobody who actively develops Mycorrhiza knows how to use Mycorrhiza on Windows.

Out of interest, did you want to run Mycorrhiza on your desktop or is your server running Windows?


@dhry @bouncepaw there actually was a pretty serious bug in Mycorrhiza on Windows that wasn't fixed for a couple of years. I think I fixed it, but I'm not really sure. I didn't test it. Just highlighting how little attention it gets 🌼 That's not the best advertisement huh

The Peter Pan of Nerdery™ 🇦🇺

@mycorrhiza @bouncepaw I mean it’s not, but if you at least had a quick and easy installation option for Windows more people could get eyes on and report defects perhaps. I can’t remember whether I read there’s a Docker option? If so that’s good, long as it works on Win. Biggest userbase out there as we all know.


@dhry @bouncepaw yeah, there's a contributed Dockerfile. I think I should give it more attention now that I learned Docker 🤔

The Peter Pan of Nerdery™ 🇦🇺

@mycorrhiza @bouncepaw Agreed, it’s incredibly easy to install Docker apps, although maybe not so easy to reconfigure them after the event..

The Peter Pan of Nerdery™ 🇦🇺

@mycorrhiza @bouncepaw Both. I’ve been running a Dokuwiki instance on my desktop/server via Windows IIS and PHP (it too is a file-based wiki) since the mid-2000’s. Just very interested to hear of another database-less option. Makes complete sense since even if the entire system goes down (webserver, db etc) you can still get to your wiki data in the filesystem via plaintext files.


@dhry @bouncepaw I really respect DokuWiki. A solid project. Took the interwiki link syntax from there

The Peter Pan of Nerdery™ 🇦🇺

@mycorrhiza @bouncepaw That an app has run for almost 20 years on a system is beyond amazing. I also implemented Doku through XOOPS (CMS) at my work in 2005 where it was a very successful part of the corporate intranet for years. Best wiki in the world AFAIC. Buuuut, I’m still interested in installing Myco for fun.

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