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I viewed the source of my grocery store receipt because I was trying to figure out "Is my emailed receipt supposed to be all centered like that? I hope not." and now I have to lie down.

screenshot of HTML file where there is a commented out line saying "Table used to center email" before a bunch of tables looking like they are from the early aughts
a screenshot of a CSS file showing that there are font sizes hard coded for all of the header sizes from H1 down to H18 and they're not even all in order of sizes, Like h15 is inexplicably three times larger than h13.
Roadskater, Ph.D.

@genehack @jessamyn
Since != means not-equal-to, !important must mean not-important. Right?


@roadskater @jessamyn probably my least favorite part of CSS syntax — also, almost always, if you need to use this to accomplish what you want, it means you’ve fucked up the cascade somehow

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