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Ojo do you remember me. Hornik. You comment that Bulgaria don't pertain to Russia and try block domain. And you use Bulgaria up address. Why don't you use u.s.a. BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA server. THAT LIE Putin is bad. NO PUTIN IS NOT BAD. u.s.a. IS BAD THEY TRY SLAVERY HUMANKIND. DON'T WORRY I MAKE SCREENSHOTS AND IM GONNA SHARE. AND YOU ARE BLOCKED. IF RUSSIAN IS HERE. DON'T USE hornik SERVER he is Russian AND HATE RUSSIA.


@peturbg @Horhik hate for Putin in nowadays is just the matter of sanity. I hate Putin, he's a bad politician. I don't want to take responsibility for his decisions because I didn't elect him. But I'm forced to have responsibility for his decisions. It's my right to hate him with every cell in my body. That doesn't mean I don't love my country.

And yeah, isn't Bulgaria a sovereign state?

Horhik 🧉

peturbg, who told that I hate Russia? I selected server in Bulgaria, because I don't want my server to be one of the 14 eyes contry, because it's close and because I was afraid of isolating russian internet

Oh..... clumsy....

@Horhik @peturbg Don't worry, their instance just targets people and harasses them for no reason.

Oh..... clumsy....

@Horhik @peturbg They don't say anything worthwhile and it's better to block the instance.

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