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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@MichaelPhillips Yeah I am hard pressed to believe anyone genuinely switches from left wing to right because of annoyance

Maggie Maybe

@voxofgod @MichaelPhillips I’m currently trying to process this horrible realization that a whole bunch of feminists have gone completely right wing because of trans panic.

And I’m not really sure how to sort this out in my head. I was all excited about the West 4B movement until I listened to a few of their lives and it was all right wing talking points.

They even used the term “the great replacement” in regards to trans women vs. “real women” and I was so disappointed. I’m completely down to decenter men but not if I’m joining some QAnon cult.

And I didn’t know any of these ladies before but they also talk about project 2025 and being against it, so I don’t think they’ve always been Trumper unless they’re just pretending and I haven’t listened to enough of it to see that. Digging into the organizers history on social media, she’s a black woman and an atheist, so I don’t think she’s always had right wing views. But she sure does now, and it seems like Biden’s changes to Title IX really set her off. And there’s a whole group of them.

@voxofgod @MichaelPhillips I’m currently trying to process this horrible realization that a whole bunch of feminists have gone completely right wing because of trans panic.

And I’m not really sure how to sort this out in my head. I was all excited about the West 4B movement until I listened to a few of their lives and it was all right wing talking points.

Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@maggiejk @MichaelPhillips

Well that is a little more convincing of a narrative than I normally see. But oftentimes with niche groups That's how it works. Everything is crypto-fascist with the exception of the sheep's clothing which is very convincing.

But the idea of title 9 being the reason to go with a person that says yes let's make the police even more lethal doesnt scan for me.

But yeah that's a confusing scenario


@maggiejk @voxofgod terfa have been like that for at least 30 years. Which is when I first became aware of their existence. Back when they created the label and we're proud of it instead of claiming it was a slur

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