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Queue :blobblocraccoon:

@MichaelPhillips I've had leftists call me a fake ally for:
- Not having time and money to leave home to protest
- Not willing to harm myself for someone in a hypothetical situation
- Being queer
- Not supporting China
- Not supporting North Korea
- For being American

And I still feel like capitalism is a death cult and fascism needs to be eradicated.

Every single time someone says "I left the left, they got too crazy" it always makes me just think they wanted to join it for status, and then leave for a different status.

And no one ever leaves the right for being genociders who goosestep while shouting white nationalist slogans. Fucking weird, right?


@queue @MichaelPhillips Was the NK thing about their hating America and enemy of my enemy and all that, or something else entirely?

Queue :blobblocraccoon:

@WhiteCatTamer @MichaelPhillips Probably a little bit of both, I don't recall the exact argument/pigeon chess, but seeing as every pro North Korea/DPRK person is also (rightfully but misguided in ways) anti-America, it was probably a mixture of both.

But that said, I was briefly a mod on reddit's /r/socialism when I *asked* why does the server discord say DPRK instead of North Korea, and it quickly spiraled out of control before I got removed and banned, not without saving some server logs.


@queue @MichaelPhillips Uh...leftist defending North Korea ? Leftists bashing queers ?
Then they are fake news and they are anything but leftists, If I may.

It is not because s.o. says he's/she's an ally of democracy or constitution, that he/she actually is.
Remember the guy with tiny hands and orange hair ?


@MMRnmd it's right there in the name a democratic People's Republic is inherently a socialist wonderland and any claims by Western media that it's actually a fascist hell hole is just antisocialist propaganda


@MMRnmd I mean seriously, I usually think that using the right words magically makes your position the correct one was right-wing magical thinking and then I remembered tankies exist


@MichaelPhillips Well, I can just assume that we don't know the same persons.

A leftist can NOT be homophobic, or he/she is just not a leftist.

It is as simple as that.

About calling China a communist country, please, stop insulting my intelligence.
China is the most capitalist of all countries, beside USA.

You can paint a sheep in black and throw it out of a plane, it won't make it a flying crow.

You/I can call yourself/myself a communist or an anarchist, it doesn't mean you are one.

@MichaelPhillips Well, I can just assume that we don't know the same persons.

A leftist can NOT be homophobic, or he/she is just not a leftist.

It is as simple as that.

About calling China a communist country, please, stop insulting my intelligence.
China is the most capitalist of all countries, beside USA.


@MMRnmd oh he's definitely not a Scotsman. He does things I don't like

HyperSoop :spinny_cat_aroace: :spinny_fox_agender:

@queue @MichaelPhillips i'm not sure what definition of leftism we're going by but to me you aren't leftist if you support china or north korea

these are not communist states. you can't be socialist/communist without first establishing real democracy.

Queue :blobblocraccoon:

@soop @MichaelPhillips Same. China abandoned pretending to be socialist when Deng came into power, and North Korea reformed Juche sometime in the 2010s to remove all mentions of socialism and Marxism.

It's just weird.

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