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Sindre Sorhus

The app is forever free (without any ads or tracking) and requires macOS 14.

Sindre Sorhus

And you can hide the menu bar icon if you only want the notifications.

Sindre Sorhus

Added a history window in the latest update.

Sindre Sorhus

Added support for running a shortcut (from the Shortcuts app) on online/offline status changes. This enables a lot of cool use-cases. You could, for example, restart your Wi-Fi when the connection goes out. Or you could do your own logging. Or your own notifications.

Jonathan Trott

@sindresorhus nice 😀 How about reporting the length of the outage in the connection up notification?

Kushal Pandya

@sindresorhus nice, auto switching to tethered connection ✌️

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