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Simone Silvestroni (M2M)

Couldn't agree more:

> Corporate language is filled with metaphors of war. Companies “conquer” the market, they “capture” mindshare, they “target” customers, they employ a sales “force”, they hire “head-hunters”, they “destroy” the competition, they pick their “battles”, and make a “killing”. That’s an awful paradigm and we want nothing to do with it. Work isn’t war. We come in peace.



War language is filled with hunting and sodomy metaphors.

Maxim Lebedev

@m2m It's great that I often stumble upon something unexpected in the fediverse like this. In addition to being comfortable using #Basecamp products, I am also deeply sympathetic to the ideas they promote in their books and publications.

Also: surprisingly, despite the fact that I often log in to their service via this domain, I haven't bothered to look at what exactly is hosted on it. It reads in the same breath and looks super stylish and minimalistic.

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