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Niki Tonsky

If you open youtube video today, leave it overnight and click continue next day, it will do full reload before playing.

What’s the idea here?

They do daily code rollouts and yesterday’s code can’t play today’s video? Or what?

Григорий Клюшников

The stream URL is only valid for a limited time because reasons. It reloads the page to get a new one.



Spotify knows how to re-auth the user without a full page reload. Somehow Youtube can't

The more I look at Google's products the less I believe in the myth of amazing Google engineers :)

Niki Tonsky

@dmitriid @grishka yeah but why? E.g. spotify needs to check for ads, but Youtube videos are public?


@nikitonsky @grishka

Youtube also needs to check for ads since they also have free vs. premium.

It could be that their frontend/backend combination and the 13678 ways of logging in cannot do the auth song and dance properly, and need a full auth re-flow

Daniel M Karlsson

@nikitonsky Seems wasteful. Very on brand for them I think.

Brad Dougherty

@nikitonsky I’m sure it’s signature expiration for the video segments, but no idea why they need to do a full reload instead of just refreshing them and continuing to play.

Niki Tonsky

@brad why do video segments need to expire in the first place?

Brad Dougherty

@nikitonsky I can’t say for sure what their reasons are, but at Vimeo we do it because you can change the privacy of a video at any time. Signatures are easier than having to move the file around every time. Also makes it a little more difficult for other people to make alternative players or otherwise abuse bandwidth.


@nikitonsky I seem to recall that Twitter behaved that way. Re-visit a tab, page reloads.

Probably increases some vanity metric. 🤷

Samuel Tschiedel

@nikitonsky maybe a variation of

(to put a cap on both the quantity and type of "drift" across the whole pipeline)

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