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Miah Johnson

@ripienaar We ran our own IRC & ZNC servers at Bank Simple for years. We of course switched to Slack after we got bought because... probably because management wanted to read the private messages of an employee.


@miah Did all your business users in the company, CEO and all other executives and sales etc, use IRC?

Miah Johnson

@ripienaar Yes, everybody was on irc. We all chatted regularly. The shift happened more than a year after we got bought out.

Similarly everybody was on our github enterprise. I could tag _anybody_ in the company, and we all had access to repos. It wasn't uncommon for somebody from a different department to send in a PR to fix something that was bothering them. I patched some text on our web app while I worked in ops (weird gendering of things that didnt need it).


@miah Thats pretty amazing, literally first case I ever hear of achieving that

Miah Johnson

@ripienaar For a time Bank Simple was amazing, one of the best jobs of my career... up until our buyout =) We tried to keep things great then, and in many ways we got better, but in so many others we got much much worse.


@ripienaar I don’t see why they couldn’t? There are significantly more arcane systems (e.g. SAP) in common use.


@Serenus The problem usually came in quality of the client apps. Find a good business orientated IRC client, maybe they exist now I hadnt checked in a minute - but they didnt then.

And by business orientated I mean that includes the needs of compliance etc. @miah

Miah Johnson

@ripienaar @Serenus I think most people in "tech" ran a simple command line irc client, while everybody else ran the Mac Colloquy.

We had a standard of "no Windows" on the server network, and after buyout our new "compliance" broke that rule, ripped out our slapd and replaced it with Active Directory.


@miah Simple was the only bank I ever actually liked. It was an awesome thing to have built. Cool to hear it was on IRC too. I hate Discord and all the closed silos of information.

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