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SuperDicq I think these are the biggest issues for normies to adopt IRC:

* There is no message history unless you run a bouncer.
* All clients kinda suck and are not up to modern standards, for example most have a lack of even multimedia support and the ability to show link previews using meta tags.
* In order to share files via IRC you would need to upload them to some sort of file hosting service instead of just sharing them directly. (Yes, I know XDCC exists but that doesn't work if you're behind any sort of NAT).

Miah Johnson

@SuperDicq message history isn't a requirement though. Do you get upset that you missed a discussion your friends had when you weren't present? Upset that some folks at your local hangout had a discussion about "whatever" while you weren't there?

Maybe in some instances history is useful, but its certainly not a requirement and if it is there are multiple ways to solve it.

Clients could be better sure, good thing we have 'open source' and 'patches accepted'.

@miah @SuperDicq
Message history is a hard requirement for me and most of my friends. Not only to keep up with chat while you've been away, but also to find something that has been discussed a long time ago.

Also, think of replies. Multiline messages. Media sharing. Not having to set up basic moderation functionality through bots. Not having to run a daemon just to stay joined in the chat. Having direct messages. Having direct messages that get delivered while you're offline. Custom emojis. Shared set of custom emojis for all chat participants. Contacts list. And yeah, an actual federation would be very appreciated.

It's easier to use IRC through an XMPP or Matrix bridge because even its clients are better at IRC than whatever IRC clients we have.

I'm not defending proprietary protocols and services, but IRC as a thing from 1970 just sucks. XMPP, also an open standard, does the half what I mentioned above. Matrix, an open standard too, while being pain in the ass UX-wise, does the other part.
@miah @SuperDicq
Message history is a hard requirement for me and most of my friends. Not only to keep up with chat while you've been away, but also to find something that has been discussed a long time ago.
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