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Miah Johnson

@camille If you make a post outlining the pros of XMPP I will gladly repost it.

(rejoining XMPP is on my list for this year, after I get my email off Google) =)

Jaime Herazo

@miah @camille
Having your same curiosity did a quick search some days ago, this came up:
Edit: Link removed because nazi

In addition to this i heard of Snikket, a simple way to set up a fully functional XMPP server with all the niceties, but bridges to other networks are unsupported with it, so still thinking about it

ajgae 🐾

@jherazob @miah @camille fyi luke smith (website u linked) is a nazi which may be hard to tell from just that article but if you look at his yt channel youll understand

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